Want to blend up some preparedness? You probably already have a blender at your house. Maybe you use it every day and maybe it’s just sitting there collecting dust. Either way, I’ve got twelve super prepper ways to put your blender to use! Plus, hang in until the end and I’ve got a giveaway to get you set up with an amazing blender package for yourself or someone you love!
Twelve Super Prepper Uses for a Blender
1. Mix healthy drinks and smoothies. Your body is one of your most important pieces of preparedness gear, and eating healthy will go a long way toward keeping it fit.
2. Make butter.
3. Chop fruit for jam. Don’t get carried away and blend it into a liquid with this one!
4. If you do blend your fruit into a liquid, you can use it to make fruit leather!
5. Blend dehydrated or freeze dried vegetables into veggie powders. These can be snuck into sauces, ground meats, soups, and more for added nutrition for the picky eaters in your life. OR . . .
6. Blend dehydrated or freeze dried vegetables into instant baby food powder. If you’re using freeze dried foods, you could also blend fruits or meats really easily.
7. Chop veggies for salsa! Then eat it fresh or can it.
8. Make blender pancakes from whole wheat berries. Yum. And a great way to use that wheat if you don’t have a grain grinder!
9. Make your own mayonnaise.
10. Mix powdered milk. Few brands of powdered milk mix easily into cold water (Thrive is one that does!). Most can use a little help getting mixed up, and a blender does the trick nicely even with the most stubborn milk powders.
11. While you’re blending powdered milk, mix up some evaporated milk or sweetened condensed milk from powdered milk.
12. Blend some brains for hide tanning as seen in this video. (Check with your wife before using her blender for this–she’ll probably want you to get your own!)
So how do you use your blender?
Wouldn’t you love to own one of these? Be sure to enter this fantastic giveaway for a BlendTec 725 PLUS the Wildside Jar, Twister Jar, Gripper Lid, and Spectacula sponsored by our friends at BlendTec! This is a super powerful blending machine and the giveaway is valued at over $700! It will definitely get you going on any of the above listed prepper blender projects and anything else you want to mix up!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
I use my blender to liquify food scraps for my garden. The small bits break down quicker than in a mulch pile and I can pour it around the plants to mix into the soil immediately.