Episode 66: 10 Things to Check Before Buying Your Survival Home and National Preparedness Month Preview Listen here! Looking for a survival property? Or maybe you just want to give your current location a survival checkup. You don’t need a bunker in a secret location to have a prepared home. In this episode we discuss […]
Saferooms and Shelters – Making Your Home Truly Your Castle
Guest post by Vic Rantala, owner of Safecastle, LLC Some figures in the media would have you believe that bunkers and fallout shelters are an almost forgotten relic of the Cold War days. I suspect most of those who promote that view live in high-rise towers and rarely descend to earth to mingle with folks […]
Nine Things to Consider When Looking For Your Survival House
You don’t need a bunker in a remote location in Idaho or Montana to have a home that is able to withstand an emergency situation. However, there are a few things you’ll want to consider when choosing where to live as your home is an often overlooked but important part of your preparedness efforts. If […]