Solavore has upgraded the reflectors that come with their solar oven/reflector package, so when they asked if I’d test them out of course I had to give the new reflectors a test. Last time I shared a review of the Solavore Sport solar oven, I shared all the ins and outs of the setup and […]
Solavore Sport Solar Oven Review: Pasteurizing Water and Baking
It’s summer and to celebrate the sunshine, Solavore sent me their Solavore Sport solar oven to test out. Having a powerless cooking method is important if there is an emergency and you aren’t able to use your normal stove or oven. It is also nice in the summer to be able to cook without heating […]
Water Pasteurization and the WAPI
One way to make water safe to drink is to pasteurize it. Pasteurization is accomplished by heating the water to 65°C (149°F) for a short period of time. The water is then free from microbes, including E. coli, Rotaviruses, Giardia and the Hepatitis A virus. Pasteurization is not sterilization, so although this water is safe […]
Baking Bread in a Solar Oven in the Utah Winter
Solar ovens have a very good reputation for cooking things on hot, sunny days, but what if it’s not a hot day? Have you ever wondered how well a solar oven cooks in the winter? Me too. So I’ve spent a few days with the Global Sun Oven in the Utah winter. I’m kind of […]
The New Sun Oven
Happy day! I finally got a Sun Oven of my very own. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. It only took a week and a half or maybe two to get it out of the box. I know, if I’m so excited about it, why wasn’t it out on day one? I’ve been […]
More Sun Oven Cooking
Last night’s dinner: Ribs and rice cooked in the Sun Oven. Amazing. You need one of these. And I’m a dealer for them. Shoot me an email or use the link on the right side to order :) Keep preparing! Angela *************************************************************** Subscribe to my email newsletter for updates and special deals. Please be sure […]
Cookies in the Sun Oven
I’ve borrowed a Sun Oven from a sweet friend, and since it’s been sunny, I’ve been out experimenting with it a bit. I got it out Monday, intending to cook some bread in it since I was baking bread anyway, but it had never been out of the box, and the instructions say to let […]