I love sprouting. Sprouts are an easy and quick way to get fresh greens in your diet no matter what season it is! Plus growing your own gets you sprouts at a fraction of the cost of buying sprouts at the store. Before seeds sprout they are dormant little plants. Sprouting changes the chemistry of […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 25: Taking the Mystery Out of Sprouting
Episode 25: Taking the Mystery Out of Sprouting Listen here! In today’s episode we take the mystery out of sprouting! I discuss why you want to learn to sprout, what you’ll need to get started, and walk you through how to grow your first tasty sprouts. Mentioned in the show: Preparedness Benefits of Sprouting Sprouting […]
Sneak Beans Into Your Diet With Secret Soup
As promised, here is a fabulous “cream” soup you can make from your sprouted beans. To be fair, you could also make this from any cooked white bean whether or not you sprouted it first. Using sprouted beans just makes it easier on the digestive tract. This soup is great for working beans into your […]
The Sprouts That Help Digest: Sprouting Soup Beans
Sprouting soup beans is really simple and quick. If you already do the overnight soak on your beans before cooking, sprouting your soup beans only adds about another 24 hours to your prep time. You may ask–“Why would you want to sprout soup beans?” Well, I’ll tell you. Besides adding a bit of extra vitamin […]
Sprouting Mung Beans Using a Hemp Sprouting Bag
Continuing the sprouting fun, today we’re covering how to sprout using a hemp sprouting bag. And we’re sprouting the classic bean sprout–the mung bean. You can sprout any type of sprout you’d like in the hemp sprouting bag, but it really works best for beans and grains and not so well for leafy sprouts like […]
7 Ways to Use Sprouted Wheat
Following the tutorial on sprouting wheat, I got the question, “What do you do with sprouts that small?” Good question. They’re not tall green “sprouts” like the alfalfa sprouts you have on your sandwich. What do you do with those little sprouted wheat grains? Well, here’s seven great ways to use sprouted wheat. 1. Eat […]
Sprouting Wheat in a Mason Jar
One of the easiest and least expensive ways to get started sprouting is to sprout using a mason jar, and one of the fastest seeds to sprout is wheat. Canning jars are easy to come by (especially if you do any canning). They can be purchased new or bought at thrift stores or yard sales […]
How To Sprout in a Tray Sprouter
Now that we’ve discussed why you would want to sprout and the basics you’ll need for sprouting, we’ll start the detailed look at the different types of sprouters with sprouting a “zesty sprout mix” in a tray sprouter. Any green leafy type sprout will work the same as the zesty mix I grew (alfalfa, fenugreek, […]
Sprouting Basics: What You’ll Need
Continuing the sprouting series, today we’re discussing what you need to sprout. In order to grow sprouts, you’ll need a couple of things. Well, actually three things. So here they are–the three things you need to get started with sprouts: 1. Sprouting seeds. You can get these at your local health food store or online. […]
Seven Preparedness Benefits of Sprouting
During February we’ll be focusing on sprouting. Sprouting is the process of germinating seeds to be eaten. If you have never tried sprouting, I’ll show you how you can get started quick and easy. We’ll cover the ins and outs, different seeds to sprout, different sprouting methods, and ways to use your sprouts–stay tuned throughout […]