It’s summer and to celebrate the sunshine, Solavore sent me their Solavore Sport solar oven to test out. Having a powerless cooking method is important if there is an emergency and you aren’t able to use your normal stove or oven. It is also nice in the summer to be able to cook without heating […]
Join the Abolishionists One Day Event–May 16, 2016
Today I’m sharing with you a cause I feel very passionate about. Part of being prepared is being prepared to help others. Especially those who cannot provide for or protect themselves. The Abolitionists is a documentary that shows how one group is working to do just that by rescuing children around the world who are […]
25 Ways to Prepare Without Spending a Dime
One of the recurring excuses for not getting prepared is that preparedness costs too much. It’s true that some aspects of preparedness are going to require an investment of money, however, cost is no excuse for not doing something! There are lots of ways to get prepared for free! Start with these 25 ways to […]
The Successful Survivalist’s Rules of Life
The Successful Survivalist’s Rules of Life 1. Carry a pocket knife. 2. Get comfortable with lighting a fire. 3. Learn to shoot and clean a gun. 4. Be able to perform basic first aid. 5. Keep your blades sharp. 6. Work hard and smart. 7. Shop at yard sales and thrift stores. 8. Exercise regularly. […]
Food Storage and Survival’s Top 10 of 2015!
It’s that time of year when we look back over the past year and reflect on what has happened in our lives, how far we’ve come, and what the highlights of the year were. And on the blog, we look back at the top posts of the year. What did you, the readers, like to […]
Eight Great Ways to Cook When the Power is Out!
So you are storing extra food for times of emergency, right? Unless you have all canned goods or MRE’s, that food will need to be cooked. Even canned meals and MRE’s taste better warmed up. However, in many emergency situations you are without power which means no microwave! Making a plan for powerless cooking as […]
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways–Day 11: Augason Farms 1 Week Pantry Pack
Welcome to day 11 of our 12 days of Christmas Giveaways! Today’s winner will receive a 1 Week Pantry Pack from Augason Farms! Augason Farms 1 Week Pantry Pack includes easy, just add water meals for one week in a handy tote. The meals each have 4-8 servings and up to 15 year shelf life […]
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways–Day 10: Mountain House 5 Day Food Supply + Cheesecake Bites
Welcome to day 10 of our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! Today’s prize is an awesome pack of goodness from the folks at Mountain House! One lucky winner will receive a 5 Day Emergency Food Supply PLUS 12 pouches of the brand new Cheesecake Bites. The 5 Day Emergency Food Supply contains the following Mountain […]
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways–Day 8: Emergency Evacuations by Lisa Bedford
Welcome to day 8 of our 12 days of Christmas giveaways! Today’s prize is a copy of the outstanding new book, Emergency Evacuations by Lisa Bedford. Lisa is better known as The Survival Mom and runs a very informative website, hosts webinars and a podcast, and is also the author of the book, Survival Mom: […]
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways–Day 7: HydroHeat Flameless Cooker Kit from Emergency Essentials
Welcome to day seven of our 12 days of Christmas giveaways! Be sure to check out the other open giveaways while you’re here! Today I’ve teamed up with the fantastic folks at Emergency Essentials to bring you a HydroHeat flameless cooker package! Having a method to heat food without power is an important part of […]