Welcome to day seven of our 12 days of Christmas giveaways! Be sure to check out the other open giveaways while you’re here! Today I’ve teamed up with the fantastic folks at Emergency Essentials to bring you a HydroHeat flameless cooker package! Having a method to heat food without power is an important part of food storage. You don’t want to be eating dry rice or cold soup.
The prize package contains one HydroHeat Cooker, one HydroHeat Tumbler, one 10 pack of heat packets for each, two Mountain House meals and a canister of Emergency Essentials’ Raspberry Hot Cocoa to cook in your new cookers!
What’s so special about a flameless cooker? Using the technology of MRE heaters, it can heat your food or drink with no flame. No fire, no stove, no waiting to start cooking. Because there is no flame and no associated smoke, fume, and fire hazards, you can cook your meal when it’s pouring rain, in the tent, in the car, while you hike, in your home or apartment, at your jobsite, in the wind, or any combination of those. It is fast and easy and only requires a small amount of water to get heating.
Here’s the HydroHeat cooker and tumbler in action:
Ready to get started? Remember, these 12 days of giveaways are sponsored by some really great companies and individuals, so to share the love, most of the entry methods will be ways of keeping in touch with them or this site. I’ll mix up the entry methods as we go through the twelve days, so those of you who don’t do one particular type of social media can still get entries. There will also be one FREE entry every day just for answering a random question about the Christmas season, so those of you who don’t do social media at all can even enter! And you also get bonus points for sharing this giveaway with your friends (and this is the season of sharing), so share it!
This giveaway starts December 7th at 12:00 am MST and ends December 9th at 11:59:59 pm MST. Three full days to enter, so get busy! Winner will be notified by email and have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. Prize package will be shipped directly from Emergency Essentials.
Enter here:
Keep preparing! Angela
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