We finally have a winner for the Seven Years of Plenty cookbook! For those of you new here, the giveaways actually do end on time, it just usually takes me a couple of days to get the winner notified. This time google docs helped me out a bit by not working on the day I planned on getting the winner chosen, but the stars are finally in alignment and I’ve got a winner.
And the winner is . . . . . . KRIS! Enjoy your new cookbook!
For those of you who didn’t win, you may put this on your list of books to get. Here’s where you can order it: Seven Years of Plenty (add to cart button on the left sidebar)
In other news, the new chicks are happily growing, the seeds are mostly growing–looks like we’ll be replanting a couple of varieties of the herbs as they’re still not coming up (possible the seeds molded–it was pretty moist in the jiffy box for a while), we only had one baby fruit tree die this winter (better than last year), and the peas we planted aren’t growing. I guess you actually have to water them for them to grow. Who would have thought? I have not been in the mood to run hoses from our culinary water out to the garden, but now we have our secondary water on and son took some hoses out back so they’ll be getting watered and can start to grow (only a couple of weeks behind schedule). I have a feeling that with this baby arriving at garden time we’re just going to be happy with whatever gets planted and grows and not stress too much about it. You all without an excuse–I hope you’re planning on a garden this year! Nothing beats home grown veggies!
In even other news I’ve finally got my own ham radio on its way here. I got licensed last spring and have been using a loaner radio from a guy in the local ham radio club. Yeah, for a year he’s let me use it. Pretty sweet, but I think it’s about time I get it back to him.
That’s about it here–how are your spring plans coming?
Keep preparing! Angela
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Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
Could that be me? I’m not sure because I can’t see my original comment on the giveaway post.
Sorry, The winner was notified by email prior to the posting here. I’ll have to be more specific in my winner notification posts in the future! Thanks for entering anyway! :)
I got my garden in a little on the late side but things are starting to sprout. Try some legume inoculant if you plant any more peas. You can find it at any nursery. It allows the peas to draw nitrogen from the air, which helps them grow faster and produce more. I used it on mine, and they’re the tallest things in my garden right now.