There was an article at Prepare Now Newsletter that has really stuck in my mind the last couple of weeks. I’ve often wondered if we’re really prepared when we don’t have solar panels, a generator, or any of that fancy (usually expensive) stuff. I think sometimes it would be nice to have some of that stuff, but then I wonder is it really worth my money which I have so little of when I’m okay living on candlelight and have researched other ways to preserve foods that don’t require refrigeration/freezing. Well, am I prepared? Then came this article on the different ways to prepare. It was such an interesting read and gave me a little better understanding of why I was having my internal conflict over solar panels and such and that if I never have solar panels I’m still okay. Anyway, now that I’ve rambled on and on and on, here’s the link to the article: Modern, Pioneer, Primitive
What do you think? I’m pretty heavy on Pioneer with a dash of each of the others thrown in. How are you preparing?
Keep preparing! Angela
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I have no intention of hunkering down in the wilderness living like stone-age man if I can at all help it. On the other hand, I have no need to drag the whole 21st century into my emergency pantry. How about a little of each? The best tool for the job at hand could be from any era.
Interesting I see that I"m a total combination.
I have some modern, some pioneer and some Primitive prep choices. I also have some off the wall choices that don't quite fit. For example in the Tent section I've both a Nylon tent and the front end of a horse trailer to sleep in. For the mode of transport I've got the alternative of using horses. For lights, we have battery flash lights, Crank flash lights, Oil lamps and candles.
In some cases, I believe it really comes down to what we are willing to settle for!
I like to think I could get by with a lot less than I do now, but I hope to never have to put it to the test!
I'm trying to create a Modern long term setup. I don't like anyone haveing power over me and how I live. But I am working on 2 backups for everything 1 Pioneer and 1 Primitive.
I am definitely "Modern" with a touch of the other two. 10 Years ago I would have said differently, since I lived in a different environment, but now that I live in the suburbs of a city, definitely modern, with skill sets of the other two mentioned…