Okay, this is my next project I think. Very cheap, efficient, cheap, small, cheap woodstove. Did I mention that it won’t cost a lot to build this? You probably have most of the materials in your food storage already. Check out this thread on the LDS Preppers site. Which, by the way, is full of lots of other useful preparedness information as well. And, if you feel so inclined to join the forum there, let them know you were referred by Angela because this month they’re running a contest for referrals and you know I like to win stuff. Yeah, “Angela” is my username there. Real original, huh? ;) Enjoy the stove instructions–let me know if you get one built!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Thanks for posting the link to this.. I love this sort of stuff! And it fits my budget too :) I'm going to register for the site, and I'll give you as a referal when asked.
Angela, how do they feel about not very religious people joining?
They are not opposed to anyone joining, religious or not. There will be an LDS slant to some of the sections, and some LDS jargon like "wards" and "stakes" and "relief society" but basically if you can keep civil and aren't posting things anti-LDS then you're more than welcome to join and post. It doesn't matter whether you're LDS, some other religion, or no religion at all. :)
I'll go along then. I never get down on anyone's religion (except voodoo and Santaria type stuff).