The end of the world is coming! No, really, it’s just the end of a calendar. The Mayan Long Count calendar ends on December 21st, 2012. That’s one year from today. Some have taken this to mean that there is some type of earth changing event due to happen at that time–an “end of the world”, apocalypse type of event. Others say there is nothing to this claim. To be honest, I haven’t put much effort into studying this 2012 end of the world stuff. I just don’t see the value in spending much time on it. Maybe the end is coming and maybe it’s not, but there’s nothing I can do about it either way except stick to practical, useful information and things I can do to be better prepared whether it comes a year from now, 10 years from now, or next week.
However, with the New Year coming and that being a good time to get some goals set, just for today let’s pretend this is going to happen. One year from today will be some cataclysmic event that affects us all.
What do you need to learn before then? What skills do you need to acquire? Are there things you need to do before a disaster hits? What supplies or equipment do you want to have on hand that you don’t?
None of us know when a life changing event will happen in our own lives–from the loss of a job, to a natural disaster, to a terrorist event or something else. Setting some preparedness goals and working toward them “as if” something will happen soon never hurt anybody.
So how about it? What are you going to do in the next year?
Keep preparing! Angela
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so if you’re touting Mayan calendar stuff, why are you showing a photo of an AZTEC calendar? The actual MAYAN calendar is VERY different looking. *eyeroll*
Hilarious! Okay, I stand corrected. Apparently that WAS an Aztec calendar, but as I said in the article, “I haven’t put much effort into studying this 2012 end of the world stuff.” I actually searched for Mayan calendar images and that’s what most of them looked like, so I’m not the only one who’s misled. ;) I have replaced the picture with one of an actual Mayan calendar which is, as you said, much different. Thanks for helping out! :)
I am going to start raising rabbits for meat, introduce a rooster to my hen house, so I can start getting eggs. Beef up my storage, learn how to make different types of emergency shelters, introduce my garden to rabbit manure, re-organize my room with all my food storage and non perishable storage. You can read about my experiences on all of these at
One thing that we need to realize is that even if nothing happens in one year one thing that will happen is the panic buying that people will do. I expect major shortages of just about everything from about October through December. People are going to start hording…just in case. We need to make sure we are prepared so we don’t get caught up in that panic.
Very good point. The last place you want to be when others are in a panic is at the store with them. Prep early and steadily and avoid the stores altogether when there is rush buying going on.