We like to hunt our own Christmas tree. No, not from a lot or from the store–from the woods. Besides being a fun activity for everybody (even the dog), it’s cheap. Only $10 for a tree permit. And you know I’m cheap. Granted, if the snow isn’t too deep we can easily spend that much more in gas to get to the top of the mountain where the pines are, but this year we stayed close and picked up a Pinyon pine instead. This one.
Keep preparing! Angela
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Beautiful tree! I sent the package yesterday in case you wanted to know. Hope she likes it!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh. My. Heck!
Why didn't I think of this myself? We're having another "Charlie Brown" Christmas this year. Trees are a questionable expense. This year, there's no question. It's not happening unless we can get a free one. One thing the Southerns states do not lack and that is TREES.
I think son will be going on a hike this week. Either at his dad's or someone else's property (with permission) and getting us a tree. We've always "just dealt with it" when it comes to droopy limbs and holes. Thanks for sharing a way to "pretty up" the tree.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I,m not really an expert, but I love the tree! Reminds me of when I was a kid!
Come to think of it, now days everything reminds me of when I was a kid!
WOW, and I bought my skinny little tilted tree from Rite Aid. Well, at least yours looks like a real tree because its a real tree. Mine, is tilting…lol.
I remember going with my grandpa and my dad to cut a tree.
Grandpa just drove out and cut one from the right-of-way.