My mom found a recipe for chocolate soap, so I thought I’d give it a try with a few friends, because, be honest with me ladies, who wouldn’t want to bathe in chocolate??? So here it is–chocolate soap:
40 oz olive oil
24 ox coconut oil
1 oz unsweetened baking chocolate
4 TB cocoa powder
8 oz lye
4 cups water
The process is the same for all soaps, this one just happens to be chocolate, so you could also use the plain ol’ soap recipe here if you don’t like chocolate or want to try a regular soap:
16 oz coconut oil
16 oz olive oil
32 oz lard
24 oz water
9 oz lye
Both of these recipes will fill a 9×13 pan–that’s a lot of soap. You can cut them down as desired.
Step 1: measure your water in a glass bowl:Step 2: Put on your protective gear and measure your lye separately. Lye is horribly caustic–get your rubber gloves, apron, and eye protection on! I’m using my postal scale to measure the ounces, and I got my lye online from The Lye Guy.
Keep preparing! Angela
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That really does look yummy! Does anyone have a chunk I can try out in the shower? ;) So sad I missed it, I doubt I’ll ever be willing to do that much work. ;)
It looks good enough that kids may want to use bad language in the hope of getting their mouth washed out with it.
Very interesting recipe, indeed. I haven’t heard of chocolate soap before, but it sounds almost good enough to eat!
Thanks for sharing this…
You rock! I have never in my entire life felt any desire to make soup…until today! Thanks!
I’d never be able to make that one because I’d want to “eat” the chocolate. For me anything Chocolate should be edible. Anything else can be soap. Pretty neat though.
very delicious.. Yummy…