For many people, the first reaction to a survival situation is to panic. Panic, my friends, is not good. It most likely will lead to wasted energy doing something that won’t help your situation much, and could also make things worse for you and the people around you. If your emergency situation is not immediately life threatening (like you are up to your neck in water and it’s rising fast), a good rule of thumb to keep your head on straight is STOP before doing anything.
STOP is an acronym for Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan.
Stop. When something happens, once you have taken care of your immediate safety, take just a little time to stop. Get your breathing under control, get your mind in gear. Take a moment to pray–you could probably use some help.
Think. Think about your situation. Get a grasp on the reality of it. This can be difficult. Our minds naturally want to relate to situations they are already familiar with, and chances are you will not have previously experienced an emergency just like the one you are involved in. Taking stock of your situation can make a huge difference in how you decide to act.
Observe. Look around you. Does anybody else need medical attention? Are you in a safe location? What supplies do you have with you or can you get or make from your surroundings? You will use all these observations in your next step.
Plan. When you understand what your situation is, you can make a good plan on how to move forward. Use the thinking and observing you have done to put together a plan to address your needs and keep you alive. Be sure to act on your plan!
This may seem like a lot of wasted time when your life is on the line, but remember, you are not a government agency. You can probably assess your situation and get a reasonable, workable plan put together relatively quickly. And taking the time to STOP will ensure that your plan will lead to actions that are beneficial to you and the people around you. Getting your panic under control can elevate you from one who is needing help to one who can provide that help whether you are in an emergency with a group or by yourself.
Keep preparing! Angela
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