Congratulations to Becki, the winner of the emergency radio giveaway from! Wish I had one of those for everyone who entered.
In other news, for you locals there’s powdered milk taste testing going on today (Friday) from 4-5 at the church on the hill. Come by and give me your opinions on a variety of brands of powdered milks–then you’ll also know which brands you want to stock in your food room! I will be posting the results here on the blog after I get them compiled and get a few minutes to sick my brain on writing it all up. :)
Have a great weekend!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Great for Becki, I already have two different emergency radios because hubby is a radio engineer and he needs them to keep track of his radio stations if the power goes out here at home. They are great things to have.
Can't wait to hear about the milk tasting. And glad to see you back up and running.
Glad to see you back on the air. I've missed your posts.
Thanks, it's good to be back. :)