When you think of every day carry items, it is common to think of things you may need in a big emergency. But when I decided to participate in this post round up with my other preparedness blogger friends, I knew exactly what my favorite every day carry item was. Because I actually carry it every day. And most days it makes it’s way out of my pocket at least once. The every day carry item I won’t be caught without is my Leatherman Squirt mini multi-tool.
Yes, it’s a mini sized tool. I know some of you are thinking it’s nearly useless because it’s so small. But I promise you, it’s not. Here’s the top 7 reasons it’s my favorite every day carry item.
1. It has a knife. This knife has gutted fish, cut flowers, and opened many many boxes from Grandma and Amazon. Need to cut an apple in pieces for the kids to share? Or cut open that clamshell package with the new SD card you just bought? Or cut your take out pizza slices smaller? This knife will do it (as long as the apple isn’t too big–the blade is only about an inch and a half long!)
2. It has pliers. Oh, how I love the pliers. These babies have helped me loosen bolts, hang signs, build a chicken coop, and untie the bouquet of balloons that the kids just asked me to tie together (no, I didn’t just cut all the balloons with the knife like I wanted to do, I actually used the pliers to untie them).
3. It has wire cutters. In the neck of the pliers are special wire cutter blades. Perfect for cutting various small wires, and especially good for cutting those obnoxious wire or plastic ties that hold toys into their boxes. I’ve even used mine to cut small branches like when I want a bouquet of lilacs.
4. It has screwdrivers. Flat, Phillips, and a tiny flat one that works great on eyeglasses and other screws so little you probably need a magnifier to see them (looks like the tiny one was taken off when they upgraded this model to the PS4–no worries–read on–you get scissors!). In your pocket is the ability to tighten the knobs on your dresser or open any toy’s battery compartment. Not every emergency is life or death (although dead batteries can seem that way to a toddler!).
5. It has a file. The file is double sided with one fine side and one coarse side. Perfect for filing down that fingernail you just broke opening a bucket without a bucket opener, or filing the rough spot on your kid’s zipper so they will zip their coat all the way up.
6. It has an awl. This is one of the least used tools for me, but has come in handy for creating a new hole to make a belt fit my skinny child or putting another hole in the strap of a dress shoe that didn’t strap to my foot quite tight enough. The newer Squirt PS4 tool has replaced the awl with scissors! This is almost worth me buying the new version. Scissors would be super handy!
7. It’s small. This tool’s smallness is the biggest reason I won’t be caught without it. It actually fits in my pocket! Not like a regular sized multi-tool that needs a sheath on the belt that I don’t wear, or to be hauled around in the purse that doesn’t go everywhere with me anyway. No. This tool is with me all the time because it is easy to carry in a pocket! You can put yours in a purse, or on a key chain if carrying it in your pocket is not your cup of tea.
As an end note, Leatherman is not the only brand that makes mini sized multi-tools. If you find another design you like better, by all means, get that one, but don’t skimp on quality. These are under $35 for the name brand tools like Leatherman and Gerber, and they are built very sturdy. Because it’s a small tool, you’re probably going to use it for bigger jobs than it was meant for, so you NEED it to be able to stand up to some abuse and keep working. This little Leatherman has seen many jobs and is still in great condition after 10 YEARS in my pocket. I’d spend that 35 bucks again in a heartbeat.
What’s your favorite Every Day Carry item? Check out the links below for some of my favorite blogger friends’ picks!
The Prepared Bloggers are at it again!
Everyday carry, or EDC for short, refers to items that are carried on a regular basis to help you deal with the normal everyday needs of modern western society and possible emergency situations.
Some of the most common EDC items are knives, flashlights, multitools, wallets, smartphones, notebooks, and pens. Because people are different, the type and quantity of items will vary widely. If you have far to travel for work or have young children, your EDC could be huge!
But, even if you’re just setting out for a walk around the neighborhood, taking your essential items with you in a pair of cargo pants with large pockets, may be all you need to be prepared.
Follow the links to see what a few of the Prepared Bloggers always carry in their EDC. Would you feel safer with these items close at hand?
Shelle at PreparednessMama always carries cash, find out why and how much she recommends.
John at 1776 Patriot USA tell us the 5 reasons he thinks his pistol is the essential item to have.
LeAnn at Homestead Dreamer won’t be caught without her handy water filter.
Justin at Sheep Dog Man has suggestions for the best flashlights to carry every day.
Bernie at Apartment Prepper always carries two knives with her, find out what she recommends.
Nettie at Preppers Survive has a cool way to carry duct tape that you can duplicate.
Todd at Ed That Matters tells us about the one item you’ll always go back for…your cell phone
Erica at Living Life in Rural Iowa knows how important her whistle can be when you want to be safe.
Todd at Survival Sherpa always carries 3 essential fire starters wherever he goes.
Angela at Food Storage and Survival loves her Mini MultiTool, it’s gotten her out of a few scrapes!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
Would a swiss army knife count as a multitool? Because I’ve been carrying one everyday for over ten years (might be time for a replacement)
I have a SOG and pretty much every day I find myself reaching for it. The plier head broke after almost eight years of saving my bacon. After a quick email replacement parts were in the mail. Their warrenty policy and promptness kicks butt! Only wish I had a second one as swapping out the parts would have been way easier, lol !