For those of you who have never heard of a propane curling iron like I mentioned in my last post, I guess they don’t exist. It’s butane. Silly me. Here’s one similar to mine: Conair ThermaCELL Cordless Curling Iron
They’re pretty inexpensive. Totally unnecessary piece of survival gear, except it may boost your spirits some which is never a bad thing. :)
Keep preparing! Angela
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I've been using one for many years. They are great and have been improved through time. A little touchy at higher elevations but sure handy to have.
Luckily all I need at my age to make my hair curly…is a stiff shot of whisky!
Of course, a smile from a pretty lady doesn't hurt!
Well that's one item I'll never need. I don't have enough hair to even need a curling iron. I'm just not one for having long hair. Looks cool though