Okay ladies, what are your plans for “that time of the month” in an emergency situation? What about periods in a long term emergency (like Alas, Babylon, or One Second After)? I’ve got a product to share with you that will help ease the burden of stocking up on piles and piles of tampons and pads, over time saving you money and lots of room in your food storage room that you can now use to store food! It’s the DivaCup menstrual cup.
My sister first introduced me to menstrual cups when she did a guest post for me over three years ago. I will admit that at the time I was kind of grossed out by the whole idea, but the more I thought about it, and the more tampons and pads I bought (knowing they can’t last forever–especially with daughters in the house), I figured I better at least give a menstrual cup a try. It only took me about three years to come around. So here I am to review the DivaCup. Check out the video below for a little sit-down chat with me about emergency feminine hygiene and the benefits of having a DivaCup in your preparedness plans. Men, you’re welcome to watch as well–I know you have a lady in your life who could benefit from this.
(If the video isn’t showing up, you can get to it here.)
Keep preparing! Angela
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I started using mine when we moved to the homestead where garbage collection is 4kms away. I had some problems at first as well but you do get the hang of it. I also use pads I made myself from fabric. Just throw them in with the laundry.
Thanks for actually using the cup before reviewing it.
I use the Diva cup and absolutely adore it. (And for anyone who might be wondering, yes- virgins can use it just fine.)
Nice! I’ve been toying with the idea of investing in a Diva Cup, but like you, have been a bit squeamish! Thanks for posting your review!
I wanted to try a diva cup but was put off by the cost, what if I didn’t like it, so I found a less expensive choice to try. I found soft cups, they are available at lots of local stores, I bought mine at walmart right by the other feminine products. The website is http://www.softcup.com/
This does not have the same long term use potential as the diva cup (there is one that will last your whole cycle but most are change and throw our versions) but for the price of a box of tampons you can try a menstrual cup and see if you like it then consider investing in the more expensive longer lasting options like a diva cup.
Happy prepping!
That is great! I hadn’t heard of that particular brand–thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks for sharing! Like you I had closets and cabinets full of products but find that I continually use them. So I never really have a ‘store’ of products. Also, it was a worry that no matter how much I had in store, eventually, I would run out. Also, if I’m the only female in my area to have a supply would I feel compelled to share them with my closest friends? That again limits my supply. Also what about my daughter and her friends? This subject has been worrying me for some time. So THANKS very much for posting this. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks about these things. I find so many sites which are geared toward men (I like those sites too) but I’m glad to find a place that has a focus on females and not just for food prep. It easy to find things about subjects that are easy to talk about, but with regards to more personal subjects, it’s harder to get good information or know about products like this. So again MANY THANKS for sharing!
I have heard it is not safe to use tampons for the six weeks of bleeding after having a baby. Can the Diva cup be used? Also is it reliable while swimming like a tampon is? Great idea to use as a preparedness item! Thank you so much! :)
You probably wouldn’t want to use it after a baby since I think the idea is that nothing should be going in to let everything heal and get back to some state of normal. But it definitely works for swimming!
So what about the removal of the product, nothing was said about that.
Copyright © 2014 – Food Storage and Survival – Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/what-are-your-emergency-feminine-hygeine-plans/
It is grooved at the bottom to make it easier to hold onto. Squeeze a bit to break the seal and pull out. Really simple. :)