What is the proper role of government? What makes a good law? Why should I even care? Isn’t “politics” some kind of dirty word anyway? Oh dear. Now I did it. I said “politics”. Wait! Don’t click off this post! Whether you love politics or hate it, I’ve got a book for your family and it has nothing to do with being an elephant or donkey!
The law affects our day to day activities whether we choose to be involved or not. We need to understand the basics of what a government is supposed to do, where our rights come from, and what makes a good law. And so do our children. The trouble is, these ideas are not being taught very many places, especially in public school.
Connor Boyack has filled a huge void with his new book, The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law. So what is the book about?
The Tuttle Twins are nine year old twins who need to do an assignment on wisdom for school and decide to interview their neighbor, Fred. He teaches them principles from Frederic Bastiat’s The Law in terms a nine year old can understand. Like these: Our rights are from God, stealing is always wrong, true laws protect people, and we should help people. This book has beautiful, full color illustrations on every page. Geared at children ages six to ten, it is easily enjoyed by a far larger audience. Both my 14 year old and my almost 3 year old read and enjoyed this book. With gardens, robbers, a super food storage room, and pirates, what’s not to like?
Be warned (or cheer!) this book does not align with common core standards. Perfect for home schooling families and families with children in the public school system. They all need to learn the proper role of government and this book is a great way to get conversations going in your family.
The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law is just the start of what will become a series of books teaching principles of liberty to children (and the parents that read to them). It is available at TuttleTwins.com, and through May 30th, 2014, every purchase will also include a complimentary, pocket sized, copy of The Law by Frederic Bastiat. Definitely recommended and much needed in today’s world.
And stay tuned, Connor is my guest on tomorrow’s podcast! I think you’re going to like hearing from him about advancing liberty and this new book!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Angela, The Law is one of the best books a person can read to escape the funk of government schooling! I teach 8th grade students that continually indoctrinated with the “government is our savior” message. So glad you shared this! I’ll be ordering The Law’s companion for my bookshelf at school.
Keep doing the stuff for Liberty!!
P.S. Sharing this!
Thanks, Todd! Liberty is a passion of mine. I’m really excited about this book series. :)
What great timing! Actually saw Todd’s post on facebook. I am working on some posts on the importance of people actually knowing/reading the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. With your permission, I’d like to link your article within those posts.
I am going to get copies of this book for my grand children.
Thank you for sharing!
Absolutely! Share away! Thanks so much for stopping by this morning. :)