Guest post and giveaway by the makers of STA-BIL and Start Your Engines! fuel treatments.

Storm and tornado season is in full swing, and each year, the United States gets an average of 5.9 hurricanes, 1,000 tornadoes and 10,000 severe thunderstorms. Storms can be as scary as they are unpredictable and cause immense damage. But, rather than fear the unknown, it is best to put worries aside and be prepared. The following are some important steps for ensuring you have the tools to brave potential storms.
Before the storm
1. Listen to the news and local forecasts to give yourself as much notice as possible
2. Secure a back-up generator, such as a Generac portable generator, and place it off the floor in case you experience flooding
3. Make sure your generator is in working order by checking the oil and adding fresh fuel with a bottle of STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment to keep the fuel fresh and combat damage from ethanol in today’s gasoline
4. Run the generator for a few minutes. If the generator does not start, add a bottle of Start Your Engines! Fuel Revitalizer to clean the fuel injectors, carburetor and intake valves and get the engine up and running quickly
5. Create a storm kit of must-have items, such as a battery operated radio, flashlights, batteries, candles, matches, bottled water, blankets, non-perishable food, can opener, first aid kit, list of phone numbers, prescription medications and games to pass the time
When a storm is on its way
1. Listen to the news to keep updated on the storm’s status
2. Obey evacuation directions in dire situations
3. Make sure your cell phone is charged and keep a charger with you
4. Set your refrigerator and freezer controls to the coldest settings to keep food longer should the power go out
5. Fill your car’s gas tank just in case you need to drive to safety
6. Take out a reasonable amount of cash in case ATMs are out of order
7. Tie down any large objects outdoors that may get thrown during a storm (e.g. patio furniture, toys) and place valuables inside in a safe place off the floor
8. Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes by filling your bathtub, sinks and other large containers with water
When a storm is in progress
1. Stay indoors and away from windows or glass doors
2. Take refuge in a small interior room or closet or below ground if possible
3. Listen to the news for updates and directions on how to proceed
STA-BIL® is America’s #1 selling fuel stabilizer. Stored fuel can go bad in as little as 30 days causing gum, varnish and corrosion to build up in the fuel lines and engine. STA-BIL brand products help keep fuel fresh and protect engines from corrosion, while cleaning fuel injectors, carburetors and intake valves to ensure your equipment from generators to chainsaws, leaf blowers and more are in working order when you need them most. Visit
About Start Your Engines!
Start Your Engines!® is the easiest way to get hard-starting engines back up and running fast. It works by dissolving gas that has gone bad during storage and then moves through the fuel system to the engine where it ignites to get your equipment started quickly. Simply pour this advanced synthetic formula into the unit’s fuel tank to cure hard starting, rough idling and stalling. Visit
The makers of STA-BIL and Start Your Engines are sponsoring a giveaway for one of my lucky readers! The Storm Prep Giveaway is a $90 value and includes:
• American Red Cross Self-Powered AM/FM/NOAA Weather Radio and Flashlight
• 61-Piece First Aid Kit
• Potable Water Treatment Tablets
• Emergency Whistle
• STA-BIL Ethanol Treatment
• Start Your Engines! Fuel System Revitalizer
To enter, use the form below! This giveaway will run for one week and end at midnight Thursday May 23, 2013. Good luck!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
We follow most all of the common sense suggestions and keep ropes, tarps, plastic sheets, wood, nails, screws etc just in case we need to protect our own or neighbors property after a storm.
The first thing is always fill any available container with fresh water, then just gather up supplies to get to easily and wait it out.
We fill the tub with water, in case our power goes out and we need to use a bucket to flush the toilet. I also fill all the dog’s bowls, and keep extra pitchers on the counter. I move non-perishables that I might want down to our spare fridge, so I can open it if I want to to grab a luke-warm Coke without ruining our other food.
I just make sure I always have close to a full tank of gas and keep my fridge stocked. I also try and keep things picked up outside so I can “sleep when the wind blows”.
Would LOVE this! The radio would be huge for us! We have one with a cord and battery at home, but this would be great for the vehicle. We already have several gallons of water stored and canned food at the ready. In the moment, I grab my flashlight, some 7-day candles, matches, a book, my current knitting or crochet project, and tuck in for the duration. If it’s a tornado, I go down to my neighbor’s with my GoBag. She’s on the ground floor, we’re on the top. eek!
We have an area that has all our storm preparedness materials
Don’t forget to fill containers/bags with water to store in the extra spaces in your freezer. They will help keep things in the freezer colder, longer and when they melt, you have extra water!
This is a really great prize to win!! Good luck too all,But I hope I WIN!…
My family thinks I’m nuts but here in Chicago we have situations too. When the Chiagoland area flooded recently, my family was glad for my food storage and other preps. Who’s crazy now LOL?
Having an emergency supply of food/ water/ medicine and extra clothes always helps. My neighbors down the street have a really nice basement where we go if the storms promise to be very strong.
We keep extra water, fuel for cooking and easy-to-prepare foods on hand; if we know a bad storm is coming, we gas up the car, buy ice and make sure everything’s battened down.
Please enter me– great giveaway!! We always have extra water, food and such on hand– just smart practice!
I always sleep with an easy to get dressed in outfit and shoes at the foot of my bed for emergencies. Also, car keys, credit card and cash are within easy reach. A backpack with emergency food, water and a blanket is in my car trunk.
I make sure flashlights are charged and we have plenty of food and water.
Most is usually already be prepared, but we might fill the tub in case of power loss. We’ve identified gathering areas and gathered emergency supplies already.
I have flashlights, fire starters plus many other things in my pack.
Being just outside the most recent disaster in Oklahoma, I am in for this! Thanks!.
I make sure my flashlight works and use the weather radio.