Here are a few items of note for you:
I have added a Prepper Events page to the top menu bar of the site. On this page, I’ll have a listing of any fairs, expos, events, etc. related to self reliance, preparedness, outdoor skills, or survival. If you are organizing such an event or know of one, send me an email and I’ll get the event posted on that page so we can get the word out about it. The event listing will have the dates and the location as well as a link to more information if there is some available. Events are listed chronologically and I’ll be glad to post events across the country or in other countries, so send any event information my way.
Gardening season is upon us. Have you thought about testing the germination rate of your stored seeds before planting? Check out my post on how to test seed germination at Utah Preppers.
And it’s good to have a backup plan and be able to improvise. We took a day trip this past weekend out to the wilderness to look for sage grouse feathers. Tedious work, by the way. Before leaving I packed sandwich stuff in the cooler for us to eat. Then, when I thought I was about ready to leave, sweet husband (not being a sandwich guy to begin with) suggested we take along “some of that camping food,” referring to freeze dried meals. So I heaved a sigh even though I love him, and begrudgingly got together a can of Mountain House Chicken a la King, stove, pot, spoon, cups to eat out of, extra water, etc. All the things you don’t need for sandwiches. Well, when it came time to eat out in the woods, we found that somehow the cooler had been left at home. Now I’m not thinking it was such a crazy idea to pack a second meal. Good thing we had this plan B, because we had everything we needed for the Mountain House meal except a good can opener and enough bowls and eating utensils. Sweet husband had his pack of gear, so he had a leatherman can opener that had a horrible time opening a #10 can because of the large diameter, plus one eating cup and a spoon and fork. Enter the diaper bag with a baby bowl and two baby spoons. Taking turns on the bowls and utensils, we all got to eat and have a good laugh over how ridiculous the whole situation was. But nobody starved anyway. It pays to have a backup plan, even if you think you’ve got everything covered. Your plan A might just get left in the kitchen.
Keep preparing! Angela
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Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
Maybe if you had not been so distracted by having to gather a second meal, you would have had time to notice the cooler was missing. ??? That’s a lot of people for two cups/blowls and two spoons.
Oops, posted too soon.
But, I am glad you were able to pull together something, anything.
Why do you collect grouse feathers?
The feathers are for a DNA study hubby’s work is doing. Really, we wandered around for two hours and found 12 feathers which was quite an accomplishment since in the beginning it felt like we’d never find any!