Even with all the sizes and shapes of Mylar bags available, sometimes you just want something custom made for a particular project. Well, it’s super simple to make your own custom sized or shaped Mylar bags and all you need is a pair of scissors and a clothing iron. Check out the video below:
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And for those of you who like pictures, here’s how it’s done:
You’ll need scissors and an iron.
Cut your Mylar bag to the size you want. You can get four gallon-ish sized bags from one 5 gallon size Mylar bag or make custom smaller sizes for individual meal portions or whatever you want to store in your Mylar bag.
Cover your ironing board with a clean cloth or dish towel. Occasionally, if the sides of the bags aren’t lined up just right, the plastic lining can melt onto your work surface and you don’t want plastic nastiness melted to your ironing board. Set your iron to the cotton setting and turn the steam off. If you have an automatic steam iron, drain all the water out so it won’t steam. I’m using an old iron for the leaky plastic concern noted above. I have another one in pristine condition (because it never gets used) for clothes.
Then simply run your hot iron along the edge of the bag you want sealed and voila! It sticks together. You don’t need to move too slowly–it sticks pretty fast.
And that’s it. Super easy method of making magic custom sized Mylar bags for holding anything you want!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Oh my goodness! My sister-in-law ran into your site and told us about it. Holy cow! Great info! My husband and I are somewhat rookie prepper people, you’re site will come in handy! So many little tricks that I had no idea of. Please keep up the good work :)
So glad you’re enjoying it! :)
Is this a special type of Mylar that can be fused and can I get it in rolls to cut custom size and shapes so that can distinguish what is stored in the bag? How strong is the bond of the seal can this technique be used to make your own vacuum sealing bags?
I’m not sure if you can purchase Mylar with the food grade lining in rolls. The bond is as strong as any that was commercially sealed, so yes you can vacuum seal after building your custom bag.