I really enjoy Glenn Beck. We see eye to eye on a lot of issues (can’t say all, but a lot), and he’s not afraid to speak his mind. So here’s a clip from his program 2/20/09 on preparedness:
That’s probably enough for most of you. Don’t go crazy and panic on me here, just one more voice saying we have a right to prepare ourselves for what may come. If that’s not enough for you, okay, I’ll give you more. If you want to see/hear him hash over some “worst case scenarios” with a few analysts, check these links:
Enough for me for the night. :) Instructions for making your own survival food bars tomorrow . . . see y’all then!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Wow…these are rather scary scenarios. Part of me doesn’t really want to think about such terrible outcomes, on the other hand, we need to be prepared for any eventuality.
Well, we’v been told by the prophets for decades that we need to be prepared.Eventually it might sink in.
There’s a lot of things that could happen, and the scriptures and prophets have not painted it very pretty either, so we’ll see what actually happens and when, but I think it’s pretty plain to anyone not in la la land that things could get ugly :) Keep smiling and working–you know who wins in the end, right? That always helps my attitude about preparing.
Your blog is really NICE, I love it. All here is iteresting