I wish I had prizes for all you ambitious souls who got something done in September! But you know you’re all winners because you’re that much more prepared, right? Seriously, you guys inspire me with the stuff you’re getting accomplished. Keep up the good work! So here are the lucky winners of the contest.
Andrea won the Ball Blue Book for Canning and Preserving
TK and Dunappy won Brunton/Gerber Survival Combos
and Heidi won the 45 Piece Survival Kit
Congratulations! Your prizes will be in the mail soon. And for those of you who didn’t win, hang tight, we’ve got another giveaway next week I think you’ll enjoy. :) Have a great fall weekend!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Please be sure to follow Food Storage and Survival on Facebook which is updated every time there is a new article. You can also find me on Pinterest, and purchase my book, Food Storage for Self Sufficiency and Survival on Amazon.
Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
Thank you for putting together this contest. It has taught me to make smaller monthly goals and to acknowledge my accomplishments even if the original goal was not met. Appreciate your hard work Angela.
Congratulations to the other winners!
:) TK
Common Cents
Thank you so much~!~