An emergency has struck. Maybe it’s a large scale disaster, or maybe it’s just a broken arm. Who do you need to contact? Don’t waste precious time fumbling through a phone book–keep important phone numbers handy. Program them into your house or cell phone and keep them written on a list by the phone. You never know when you will need to call. Here are 15 emergency phone numbers to have at your fingertips. And at the bottom of the post there are printable lists you can fill out and hang up to make this even easier! 1. Ambulance. 2. Fire services. 3. Police. In 98% of the US, 911 will connect you to the nearest emergency dispatch center which covers the first three on this list. If you are living in the other 2% of the US or out of the country, you’ll need the number to contact your ambulance, police, and fire services. 4. Poison Control. 800-222-1222 5. Your physicians. Include any doctors your family visits, including specialists and optometrists. Also your pharmacy. 6. Your dentist. 7. Nearest hospital and/or medical center. 8. The adults of the household. This is normally you and your significant other. Include work and cell phone numbers. 9. Other family members. Kids with cell phones, aunts and uncles, siblings, grandmas and grandpas. Anyone you might need to contact in an emergency. 10. Schools your children attend. 11. Your Ecclesiastical Leaders–Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Bishop, or anyone else from your church you might need. As a member of the LDS church I have my Bishop’s number as well as our Stake President and my home teachers and visiting teachers. 12. Neighbors. 13. A nearby emergency contact. Could be a family member or close friend. You might want one in town and one 100 miles away or so. 14. An out of state emergency contact. 15. Veterinarian. For the furry members of the family. Add your home address to the top of your emergency phone number list just in case the dispatcher needs to know where you are calling from. Especially helpful for children in the home. Also consider adding your phone numbers to your local law enforcement’s Reverse 911 or Code Red emergency notification system. That way they can contact you. I’ve made two printable phone lists you can fill out. One has pictures by the words in case you have small children, the other is just words. Feel free to use, share, and copy these. Printable Emergency Phone Numbers with Pictures Printable Emergency Phone Numbers without Pictures
Keep preparing! Angela
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