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What fire starting methods work for you?
Keep preparing! Angela
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I like strike anywhere matches in a marbles match safe or char cloth and steel!
scoutinlife–thanks for coming by! I definitely prefer matches, but I can see the steel and char cloth being very handy. Firestarting is a weak area with me, so I’m going to need to practice a bunch to get the flint/steel fire down! :)
That sure was fun! Just wish my babies would have been slightly more cooperative. I learned some new things and found out I could keep a fire going so that was good. HOpe you had a good weekend!
Nice blog, I just bookmarked it. Here are a couple similar tests:
Great Review. I LOVE all the testing and taste-testing that you do. You are providing much needed and valuable information to so folks! I'm sharing, sharing, sharing! :)
Take an 8″ length of old 1/4″ hemp rope.
Unravel it 2/3 rds of the way into 3 strands.
Unravel each strand 12 way, fluf out the fibers.
Dip the whole thing in melted wax.
It is now water proof.
If you dip the unraveled and the three strands two more times it willburn a lot longer.
The nest will light easily the staands wil then ketch on, whem it gets down to the unraveled part your flame will last untill the wax burns up (more wax and it lasts longer).
When you light one of these you will get a hot flame that will light damp wood.
using acouple of them one after the other will light a fire even on a rainy day.
You can carry these aroundforever and they will work every time.