Imagine with me that there’s an approaching disaster or maybe one has just struck and you rush to the store to buy necessities for your family so you can shelter in place for a while, and what should you discover when you get there? No toilet paper. Not one roll in the entire store! Sound […]
4 Compelling Reasons to Keep Your Gas Tank More than Half Full
How full is your gas tank right now? Let me tell you a little story about me in a past life. Well, okay, it was only about 8 years ago, but I’ve learned a lot since then. We live in an area where the nearest decent shopping is 45 miles away. So shopping is an […]
Four Questions to Ask to Prioritize Emergency Preparedness Goals
It’s a new year and that means the traditional time of making new goals for yourself. Hopefully you added a few goals to be better prepared this year. I keep an ongoing list of things I want to learn, do, and purchase for preparedness. I call it the “Big List” and keep it in a […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 61: Eight of the Best Water Storage Container Options
Episode 61: Eight of the Best Water Storage Container Options Listen here! Access to clean water is one of the first necessities in many emergencies, and the easiest way to have clean water is to have some stored. In this episode we discuss the various containers that are available for storing water from empty two […]
What’s Your Threat: 7 Tips for Keeping Your Family Together in an Emergency
What’s your threat? There are plenty. Tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfire, terrorist attacks, and more. But what I find most frightening is the thought that I might be missing a family member or two when it happens. It doesn’t matter what disaster you experience, unless every member of your family is at home all the time, there […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 36: Introduction to Dehydrating
Episode 36: Introduction to Dehydrating Listen here! I love dehydrating, and today’s podcast is all about drying food! Why dehydrate and what you need to get started dehydrating. We also discuss how to dry fruits, vegetables, herbs, and meats, and the best ways to store them. Mentioned in the show: Dehydrating on Food Storage and […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 26: Short Term and Long Term Food Storage
Episode 26: Short Term and Long Term Food Storage Listen here! Getting started with food storage isn’t as hard as it might seem. In this episode I discuss the difference between short and long term food storage, where to start, and the best methods for storing your long term food storage. Mentioned in the show: […]
15+ Emergency Phone Numbers to Have Handy
An emergency has struck. Maybe it’s a large scale disaster, or maybe it’s just a broken arm. Who do you need to contact? Don’t waste precious time fumbling through a phone book–keep important phone numbers handy. Program them into your house or cell phone and keep them written on a list by the phone. You […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 9: Emergency Water 101
Episode 9: Emergency Water 101 Listen here! Water 101. What are my options for storing water? How often do I need to rotate water? What should I look for in a water filter, and tons of other great emergency water information! Featuring an interview with Tim Pedersen, Emergency Essentials® water expert. Mentioned in the show: […]
Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 8: Preparedness 101
Episode 8: Preparedness Basics Listen here! Preparedness 101: An overview of the basics of preparedness. Why prepare, what are we preparing for, making a plan, emergency kits, short and long term food storage, and how to start. Mentioned in the show: Prioritizing preparedness goals Making a Plan Vehicle Emergency Kit 72 Hour Kit here and […]