When we are prepared it saves us from a lot of troubles we might otherwise encounter. But one of the added benefits of being prepared is the increased ability to be of help to others. Yep, the “other” people who are in some way less prepared than we are oftentimes need a little assistance. You can be somebody’s angel–an answer to their prayers, but it’s tough to do if you aren’t prepared.
Take this last week. I was able to help a lady jump start her car because I had jumper cables in my trunk. I gave oil and sugar to a neighbor. And last week I let another neighbor use our can opener when theirs broke. Not huge things really, but they were each very grateful for the help. Now, it would have been really difficult to help these folks out if I had no extra food or supplies or tools, right? Get what I’m saying?
Extra food lets you give more to the food bank or others in need, and I know at least around here there’s usually a push to give more around the holidays. It lets you cook a meal for someone who is sick or mourning. And what a blessing it is to serve and help others.
I will not lead you to think I’m always on the giving side. Oh how glad we were for our neighbors when we first moved in and didn’t have a wheelbarrow or long hoses of our own and they let us use theirs. And when my car engine blew out on my way to do some Christmas shopping a couple of years ago and friends came with a trailer and hauled my car home then let me use their truck to do my shopping. And the tools we’ve borrowed for construction jobs around the house, and the cup of Miracle Whip I needed for a salad on Sunday when the stores were closed. It is good and right to help others and it is also good and right to allow others an opportunity to help you when you need it.
You may hear in some areas of survivalist blogs/books/forums/etc. that “I have prepared for myself and nobody’s going to take it from me without a fight”. There is certainly something to be said for that. Our preparations are first and foremost to provide for our family, as yours probably are also. I can not tell you where or when to draw the line. That is a personal decision you will have to make. Especially if there has been some type of disaster and supplies are limited. But for now when it’s not the end of the world our preparations can be a great blessing to others who are in need. Give it some thought. Are your preparing to help others?
Keep preparing! Angela
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Regardless of whether I decide to give or not I like to be in the position to do so. The first and most important step is to get your own house in order. Can't give or loan your brother a mortgage payment if you are broke. Can't give the neighbors food if your shelves are bare.
I agree with you all the way,If we can't be charitable when things are bad then we have lost who we were to begin with. Family is always first but are the others that are in your life as close as family? Sometimes we have to make hard decisions, but we should always prepare to help others.