Today we have a giveaway from the fabulous folks at Augason Farms. Augason Farms is part of the Blue Chip Group companies and is the maker and producer of the Morning Moos milk alternative we taste tested a little while ago. They’ve come up with a sweet product for food storage convenience and apparently it’s still new enough that it’s not on their site yet, but here it is, the Breakfast Pack.
Oh, excuse my dog. Here it is without her nose in the picture:
Here’s how it works. It is 6 #10 cans of food storage friendly breakfast foods that can be mixed and matched for a variety of meals. All packed up in one case and ready to go. The more I thought about this the more I liked it. It isn’t perfect, but it makes meal preparation easy and figuring out what you’re going to eat relatively effortless plus you can avoid some of the appetite fatigue you’d get from eating plain oatmeal for breakfast every day for a month. Here are the 6 included cans. Scrambled Egg Mix:
Vegetarian Meat Substitute bacon flavored bits (yeah, that’s a fancy name for TVP or textured vegetable protein):
And Potato Shreds (hash browns).
Pancake mix:
Freeze dried strawberries:
And creamy wheat cereal (fancy name for germade or farina):
Each product can be used alone or mixed together to make things like omeletes, pancakes with strawberry syrup, bacon muffins, creamy wheat cereal with strawberries, and with just a couple other ingredients can open the meal possibilities up even further–breakfast burritos, scrambled eggs and toast, etc. How slick is that?
Augason Farms has offered to send one of these complete breakfast packs to one of my readers! And I’m resurrecting the form for this one.
So here’s the instructions to sign up for this giveaway. You are welcome to leave a comment on this post, but it won’t count toward the giveaway. :) To enter, you’ll need to fill out the form.
For your first entry, put your name and email in the form. This is required for entry in the giveaway. If you don’t want to put your real name in the name slot, I guess that’s okay, put whatever you like to be called in that space. I need your email to contact you if you win. Your email won’t go anywhere else. Promise.
Additional entries are available for the following:
1. Become a follower of Adventures in Self Reliance (you know my posts are worth reading!)
2. Follow Adventures in Self Reliance in a feed reader (or by email feed subscription)
3. Share this giveaway via a post on your blog (make sure to link to the giveaway and leave the link to your post in the form)
4. Twitter a link to this giveaway (include @momof3angels in your tweet and put your twitter username in the form)
5. “Like” Adventures in Self Reliance on Facebook (it used to be called “become a fan”)
6. Share this giveaway by some other method like facebook or email your friends
The giveaway will end on Saturday, May 8th at 11:59 pm and the winner will be contacted for their shipping information. If the winner does not respond within 3 days, we will choose another winner. Good luck!
Keep preparing! Angela
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Please be sure to follow Food Storage and Survival on Facebook which is updated every time there is a new article. You can also find me on Pinterest, and purchase my book, Food Storage for Self Sufficiency and Survival on Amazon.
Shop the Thrive Monthly Specials or my favorites, the freeze dried vegetables and yogurt bites!
Thanks for letting us know about this new product!
How long will the opened can stay good is what I was wondering…
Marci, the cans say they are good up to a year after opening. Sounds reasonable to me as long as they're stored right.
Thanks. Very humid here, and just me, so that would be a lot to eat…altho it I opened a can I'd probably be in survival mode and feeding grandkids and family also.
I love morning moo, also have the eggs, and am becoming a convert to using it frequently instead of real eggs. Mad a denver omelet, cornbread, brownies and crepes with it and powdered milk. As apreparedness advocate, I share these products with many, so it would be good to share some more!!!